The Home School diaries

We’ve got to start teaching our kids at home. What could possibly go wrong?

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‘Just don’t die’ 6-12 July

Monday 6 July The dolls have arrived, phew, and my don’t they know how to make themselves at home, taking up every inch of the youngest’s bedroom floor spreading onto the stairs of the bunk bed and using the staircase as an extension of their world. Tuesday 7 July Despite having intended to do all…

Pet interrogation and the Times tables test 29 June – 5 July

Mon 29 June Home school,  I’m doing the afternoon shift, this week the older pair have been asked to summarise all they have learnt about the Egyptians in poster form. The boy has had his fill of posters. ‘Not another poster’ he explodes.  A view I reached a few weeks back.   I ask him…

OMG rodent on the loose, again! 15-21 June

Monday 15 June We ignore our children for 4-6 weeks twice a year, Christmas and Father’s Day in retail talk almost exactly 6 months apart.   It is perfectly possible to leave your children to their own devices for weeks on end but there are emotional and economic costs.   Home school begins this morning with one…

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